The power of longevity - Hear survivors speak!

14 years ago, we opened the SHE Rescue Home as a safe place for girls to heal from the awful abuse and exploitation of human trafficking. Protecting the girls in our care has always been our first priority. We never show a girls face or share her real name in order to protect them from perpetrators, protect them from judgement and cultural prejudice and to protect their privacy.

For 14 years, we have fought to share the truth of what is happening in Cambodia while safeguarding the girls in our care. Their stories are not ours to share so we protect the specific details of their story.

14 years ago, the girls in our care were children. Now they are adults in their twenties and some of them want to share their story. It is our incredible privilege to amplify their voices!

This is what longevity looks like! Every donation to our SHE Rescue Home made this possible. We know people love giving to physical tangible things like building house and sewing machines but this is the impact of all the general donations entrusted to the SHE Rescue Home. Long after girls have left the SHE Rescue Home; Long after we have reintegrated girls; Long after the girls’ cases are closed - The impact is ongoing! Together we really are changing lives.

There are more children being rescued from human trafficking and sexual exploitation. There are more girls needing the safety of the SHE Rescue Home.