Justice Is Served

Malis* arrived into our care at just 11 years old after being sexually exploited in her own community. Prior to her arrival she never had true safety, as her parents lived far away in order to find work, and she was born without proper documentation preventing her from ever attending school and receiving a proper education. 

Since arriving into our care, Malis* has been able to attend school, experience the peace of true safety, and just recently our social workers closed on one of our most successful cases to date! Just weeks ago her perpetrators were sentenced to 5 years in jail, (which is not long by global standards), yet, for Cambodia and in the face of great corruption this is an incredible feat we are celebrating!

Malis* is safe, she’s working towards her dream of someday being a make-up artist, and justice has been served!

This is why we exist. 

This is why we continue focusing on, ‘the one.’