Where from here?


We have the privilege of being one puzzle piece in the wide scope of the fight against global human trafficking. We fight alongside many organisations that each take on a different facet of the problem and we are so grateful for our many partnerships and the united effort towards a better future.

This month we celebrate a small victory; the work of two organisations, Save the Children and UNICEF, have been in talks with the Cambodian government about how they could provide social protection in response to COVID-19.

As we’ve said before, the pandemic has brought about new challenges and serious concerns about the increase of poverty globally. We’re seeing millions lose jobs, people falling sick without proper healthcare, businesses drying up and the vulnerable are more and more finding themselves between a rock and a hard place.

On the first of this month, Save the Children and UNICEF, who both work specifically with the Royal Government of Cambodia, announced that the government was scaling up its social protection programme, a cash transfer programme for poor households. In the second week of June, the government topped up its existing programme, giving money to those who are most vulnerable, including children 0-5 years old, persons with disabilities, elderly and persons living with HIV/AIDS.

540,000 households are receiving this cash transfer.


How many people does it take to overcome human trafficking? I can tell you that’s more than just the staff at IT’S NOT OK projects, as dedicated as they are. It’s also more than just us and our partner organisations. And as important as this programme is for targeting one of the root causes of human trafficking, it’s going to take more than the government.

It’s going to take you.

It’s going to take all of us. There is infinite power in everyone doing their small bit to see change - more than a government or organisation can accomplish.

So how can you help?

Educating yourself, for one. Education on social issues is such a hot topic at the moment. In the current state of the world, we cannot use ignorance as an excuse to not get involved. There are so many resources available online to understand the problems we face. Beyond the resources on IT’S NOT OK Projects’ website, antislavery.org and stopthetraffik.org have lots of information and reports available.

Second, you can join the fight by moving to action. By supporting IT’S NOT OK Projects financially, you are providing education, a safe home, counsellors and opportunities for victims of sexual exploitation.

Let’s see the world change, but let’s start that by looking after just one person and changing their world.

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